A proven technique to effectively reduce stress
It is estimated that up to 90% of illness is caused or complicated by stress. By practising Transcendental Meditation you can reduce and eliminate the damaging effects of stress in your life. TM can be seen as an antidote to stress – during the practice of TM your body’s hormone levels change in the direction of less stress. It is a healing mechanism, restoring harmony, integration and balance at every level of your physiology. This happens at the silent level, without you even having to think about it.
Natural Reduction of Stress
The research on the Transcendental Meditation technique shows that it reduces stress naturally and effortlessly by providing a unique state of deep rest. TM meditators experience a profound state of rest which is indicated by the reduction of breath, lower heart rate and decreased stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. See chart
Improvements in Health
With deep rest and less stress, meditators naturally have improvements in health, energy and psychological well being. Women today have very busy schedules, often working and coming home to maintain family life. It’s important that these daily demands don’t result in accumulation of fatigue and restriction of your enjoyment of life. Practising TM is investing in your own health and well-being. Your life can be free of stress and its damaging effects.
Resistance to Stress
This meta-analysis was conducted on all published studies on stress reduction and blood pressure among hypertensive patients which met the criteria of well-designed randomised control trials with multiple studies for each treatment category. Only the Transcendental Meditation program was found to have a statistically significant impact of reducing high blood pressure among hypertensive subjects. A second meta-analysis conducted independently replicated the finding of significantly reduced blood pressure, both systolic and
diastolic, through the Transcendental Meditation program.
References: 1. Current Hypertension Reports 9 (2007): 520–528.
2. American Journal of Hypertension 21 (2008): 310–316.
The experience of restful alertness during TM is unique and this is what reduces mental and physical stress. When stress is eliminated your life becomes easier and more enjoyable. The rested state you experience during TM also starts to be maintained outside of meditation, so that you are more resistant to the onset of stress. It is how we respond to the demands of life which determines how much stress accumulates. When the body is rested and mind is more clear and creative the normal demands of life are not as stressful as they may have been.
Over 600 research studies on TM show the positive effects of this stress reducing technique, for example:
Faster recovery from stress
Decreased anxiety and insomnia
Reduced substance abuse
Decreased depression
Reduction in high blood pressure
Younger biological age
Meditators enjoy another advantage – greater youthfulness. Stress is ageing, producing wear and tear on the body. Research has shown that meditators practising Transcendental Meditation have a younger biological age than their age in years, Longer term TM meditators have a biological age up to 12 years younger than their non-meditating counterparts, making meditators look and function younger than their age. With this one simple practice of TM you can enjoy inner peace, resilience to the stresses of life, and greater vibrancy and youthfulness.
“Many people think that all types of meditation or ‘stress management techniques’ are equally effective. Research shows otherwise. For example, Transcendental Meditation (TM) beat several other non-drug treatments in reducing blood pressure (the so-called silent killer). TM can reduce the chance of heart attacks & strokes & prolong life — something no other form of meditation has been shown to do. Given these powerful advantages, I recommend TM above other forms of meditation for promoting health & longevity.”