About Maharishi AyurVeda®
“A person whose physiology is in balance, whose appetite and digestion are good, whose tissues and elimination processes are functioning normally and whose self, mind and senses are always full of bliss – such a person is considered to be healthy.”
The inner intelligence of your body underlies the diverse activities of every cell and every organ. It drives, regulates and co-ordinates all bodily functions so that your body operates as one coherent, orderly whole.
Your thoughts, feelings and perceptions are vibrations of your consciousness. So too are the regulatory factors that orchestrate your body – your body’s intelligence is ultimately consciousness .
Maharishi AyurVeda operates at this junction point between consciousness and its fluctuations, between your body and its inner intelligence. The health of your body and mind very much depend on the quality of your consciousness, or awareness. The more settled and fulfilled you are, the more well you will feel, and the more aware you’ll be of your body and its needs. Hence developing a more settled, alert and integrated consciousness is fundamental to developing high-level health and wellness. For this reason the practice of Transcendental Meditation, which spontaneously develops your state of consciousness, is recommended as part of the Maharishi AyurVeda approach.
Empowers You to Take Charge of your Own Health
Maharishi AyurVeda aims to restore a natural Self-referral way of living. As you become more connected with your Self, you become more alert to your body’s signals and more aware of your natural inclinations and desires.
Your health is your responsibility. Only you can know from moment to moment what is best for your body. You need to re-learn what the body is telling you in terms of when it is hungry and when is it satiated, when it wants to exercise or rest, what foods it needs now, what degree of exercise, etc.
Gaining awareness of your body signals and understanding how to avoid creating imbalances is the best way to avert disease. In this way you can easily resume responsibility for your own health.
Take the dosha quiz below to determine if the doshas are out of balance in you right now.
Make an Appointment
A personal Maharishi Ayurveda consultation will enable you to be more in tune with your body’s intelligence. This is a fundamental step towards taking charge of your own health. You can learn simple and effective strategies to balance your body and mind.
“South East Queensland”
✉️ wendy.rosenfeldt@tm.org.au
☎ 0438 507 188
“Adelaide, South Australia”
✉️ heather@tmforwomen.org.au
☎ 0416 108 476
“Melbourne, Victoria”
✉️ faye.shepherd@tm.org.au
☎ 0400 161 921
“Perth, Western Australia”
“Gold Coast, Australia”
Glenda Novakovic
✉️ glendanova@tm.org.au
☎ 0412 774 429
Erandati Benjamin
✉️ info@innersoma.com.au
☎ 0433 475 470
“Maharishi AyurVeda represents the tradition of AyurVeda at the highest level of effectiveness and completeness as propounded in the classical texts.”